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What Loan Is Best For You?

Banks want you to believe that mortgages are all the same, rates are all the same, and home loans are a commodity. Big lenders do better when you don't know better.

The truth is there are 100s of programs and 1000s of lenders. Rates are only one piece of the equation to ensure low monthly payments. Below are just a few of your options. To find out which loan is best for you, call Superior Mortgage Solutions 727-504-8628, or learn more about our loan programs.

A man is writing on a piece of paper with a pen.

Popular Loan Products

The average home buyer spends over a month researching the mortgage industry. Even after all that research, they don't know about some of the most popular government and private mortgage options.

This costs borrowers thousands of dollars every year.

We have a proven process that will land you the best possible loan, saving you time and money. Check out our most popular options, and then contact us to determine what loan is best for you!

Self-employed & Non-qualified Mortgage Products

Borrowing options for non-traditional borrowers

If you are self-employed or a non-traditional borrower, Shaun can make this easy for you…

You can learn about every loan product and lender (including the ones you weren’t aware of). Superior Mortgage will advise you on the different options that best fit your circumstances.

Check out the available loan products, and then contact us to determine what loan is best for you!

A man and a boy are cooking food on a grill in a backyard.

Refinancing & Cash-out Loan Products

Shorten the term of your loan, lower your interest rates, and eliminate premium mortgage insurance by refinancing your mortgage. You can cash-out on your equity on home to finance college or a small business. This process is fast and easy! And you’ll be able to save money each month. Find out more.

Mortgage Blog | Borrowing DOs and DONTs

By Shaun Mathena February 14, 2024
Owner Occupied Housing.
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By Shaun Mathena January 25, 2023
Local ordinances are subject to change at any time.
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February 16, 2022
Local ordinances are subject to change at any time.
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Corelogic forecasts that price gains will slow to 3.5% by December 2022
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If you haven’t refinanced yet, is it still worth it?
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